Wrongful death lawsuits are designed to help compensate you and your family members after losing a loved one. When the loved one’s death is the result of a person’s negligence, a wrongful death action could permit you compensation in the form of money damages. However, investigating and developing a successful case takes the careful attention to detail and experience of a local personal injury attorney.
A skilled Louisa County wrongful death lawyer has the resources and skill to represent your interests and seek compensation on your behalf.
For a loved one’s death to be considered wrongful, some negligent action or inaction must have occurred that led to the decedent’s passing. If the victim would have had a cause of action against the negligent party had he or she survived, a wrongful death lawsuit is likely permissible. A personal representative of the decedent may then be entitled to pursue money damages for harms he or she has suffered as the result of the decedent’s death.
Wrongful deaths can occur in many ways, but some of the most common include:
If someone’s wrongful conduct resulted in your loved one’s death, this may establish liability sufficient to seek money damages for your eligible family members.
Code of Virginia § 8.01-50 sets forth the requirements for wrongful death actions in the state. The requirements set forth which parties may file the lawsuit and who may benefit from the proceeds. To file the lawsuit, the decedent’s personal representative must file the action in his or her name. A personal representative is often named in the decedent’s will or other documents. If no documents exist, the personal representative is determined under state law.
Eligible family members are permitted to receive compensation after a successful wrongful death lawsuit. These potentially include:
Simply because a person is potentially eligible for compensation does not necessarily mean he or she are eligible in a particular case. If you are seeking financial compensation from a wrongful death lawsuit, you should consult with a qualified wrongful death attorney in Louisa County to understand your rights right away.
Seeking money damages in a wrongful death lawsuit requires a thorough investigation of the case and all facts that surround it. This investigation is best performed by a skilled lawyer well-versed in wrongful death law in Louisa County.
Damages in a wrongful death lawsuit can include, but are not necessarily limited to:
Other damages may also be available depending on the unique circumstances of the case. To fully understand your options, seek the services of knowledgeable legal counsel.
Wrongful death cases typically require complex and specific types of evidence to successfully win compensation. Without this proof, financial recovery may not be available. It is crucial to present a strong case in order for potential money damages to be available.
An experienced Louisa wrongful death attorney can assist you in the pursuit of compensation for you and your family. Schedule a consultation with The Warren Firm today.