When a new product hits the shelves, consumers often assume it is safe for public use. However, defective consumer goods could cause severe or life-threatening injuries. If you sustained damages while using a faulty item, a Charlottesville defective products attorney could help you identify those responsible and seek compensation. Reach out to The Warren Firm to talk to a skilled personal injury attorney about your legal options. Like to consider one’s own success.
Every year, federal authorities recall unsafe products, but many consumer goods in the market could inflict harm. Common types of defective products may include:
These faulty consumer products could cause severe injuries such as bone fractures, lacerations, burns, or head trauma. Catastrophic accidents may even result in death. A seasoned lawyer familiar with cases involving unsafe consumer goods could assist you in filing suit against the responsible parties.
Ascertaining who is to blame is an important aspect of filing a personal injury lawsuit. There are many people involved in the development, production, and distribution of consumer goods that could be responsible for a defect. Potential negligent parties may include:
In a product liability claim, injured customers must use evidence to prove the opposing party breached the implied or express warranty.
Manufacturers make an implicit promise to consumers that the goods they put into the market are reasonably safe. Design defects, manufacturing mistakes, insufficient instructions, or inadequate warning labels could be considered a breach of implied assurance. Under the Code of Virginia Annotated § 8.01-243(A), plaintiffs relying on implied warranty must raise their claims within two years of the accident
Express warranty typically refers to written agreements stated in a contract with the consumer. Companies that violate these terms could also be liable for damages. According to Va. Code Ann. § 8.01-246(2), consumers pursuing a claim based on breach of express warranty must file within five years of the incident.
Failing to initiate a case within these time limits could cause injured parties to forfeit their right to collect damages. A local attorney could work with you to identify the liable parties and keep track of filing deadlines.
Lawyers who focus on faulty product cases have the experience and resources needed to assess an injured party’s damages and seek compensation accordingly. This can be useful both in settlement negotiations and in court.
Defective products victims could recover damages for both financial and emotional losses. Economic damages may include medical treatment and lost earnings, while non-economic losses might be inconvenience or loss of companionship. A defective products lawyer could help you achieve a positive outcome in your case.
Large manufacturing companies often have teams of attorneys to combat personal injury claims. You should not attempt to pursue a case alone. Without legal representation, these corporations may try to take advantage of you.
Call our office today to start working with a Charlottesville defective products attorney. The attorneys at our firm could guide you through every aspect of your case.