Many bicyclists in Virginia use rural roads to commute or get valuable exercise. However, they also share the roads with cars, which could lead to severe injuries if negligent driving causes an accident.
If you were hit by a car while biking and you can prove that the driver’s carelessness directly caused the crash, a personal injury representative from The Warren Firm could help you hold this guilty party accountable. A Harrisonburg bicycle accident lawyer could communicate the severity of your injuries, investigate the true cause of the accident, and help you collect the monetary damages you need to get your life back on track.
Due to the exposed nature of bicycles, riders often have very little protection from impacts, especially collisions with a fast-moving car. Any crash, regardless of how severe it initially seems, could leave bicyclists with painful wounds, including but not limited to:
After you are hit by a negligent driver, you should always seek medical attention as soon as you can. If you suffered one of these injuries in the crash, first responders could help you minimize the impact of these wounds and get started on the recovery process. Afterwards, a compassionate lawyer in Harrisonburg could help you factor the true extent of your injuries into your detailed bicycle accident claim.
The amount of compensation that you can recover after being hit by a negligent driver usually depends on the extent of your injuries, losses, setbacks, and inconveniences. Monetary damages repay for many different complications, including:
Many cyclists are left with years of hospital bills and rehabilitation costs, all of which can be repaid through a personal injury claim. When carefully constructed, your bicycle accident lawsuit could reimburse you for current and future medical costs, hospital bills, and the price of your required physical therapy sessions.
After being hit by a negligent driver, many bicycle riders are forced to miss time at work, resulting in lost wages. Thankfully, your bike wreck claim, when filed correctly, could repay you for all the paychecks you missed at your job.
Finally, many bicycle accidents leave riders with inconveniences like physical pain and serious emotional trauma. Fortunately, if you were left to recover from the severe emotional trauma of an unexpected bicycle crash, a compassionate Harrisonburg lawyer could help you factor these aspects into your civil claim. This can be challenging to accomplish without legal representation, but a team member from The Warren Firm is here to help.
Collisions between cars and cyclists, unfortunately, happen regularly on local roads. Additionally, bicyclists are usually impacted more than the drivers. When you can transparently demonstrate that a careless driver is responsible for your injuries and inconveniences, you might be able to collect the monetary damages you deserve. Filing a claim might seem overwhelming, but our attorneys are here to help. Contact a Harrisonburg bicycle accident lawyer today to get started on your unique case.