Slips, trips, and falls frequently occur in the area. Although some of the accidents are the result of bad luck, others are the result of hazards. If you sustained injuries in a fall due to a dangerous hazard on someone’s property, you might be able to pursue legal action against the owner, and a compassionate injury attorney could assist you under these circumstances.
Your injury lawsuit could also get you the financial recovery you deserve to pay for medical costs and rebuild your future. Call a Waynesboro slip and fall lawyer to increase your chances of recovering compensation today.
A fall can happen in various ways. Some result from a person losing his or her balance on a slick floor. Other falls can happen when individuals trip over something or lose their balance due to poor visibility. If the property owner could have used a reasonable amount of care to address the hazard that caused your fall, he or she could be on the hook for your injuries. Some factors that can lead to a fall include:
Each of these examples could be addressed by a property owner in a safe and reasonable way. If a property owner fails to do so, an experienced attorney in Waynesboro could help you file a slip and fall injury lawsuit to hold him or her accountable.
Any person considering an injury lawsuit after a fall must comply with the statute of limitations. In Virginia, the statute of limitations is governed by the Code of Virginia Section 8.01-243. According to law, a plaintiff must file his or her case within two years of the fall.
The failure to file a lawsuit on time can have severe consequences. Chief among them is the potential dismissal with prejudice of the lawsuit. A dismissal with prejudice brings a permanent end to a plaintiff’s case and prevents him or her from ever recovering fair compensation for the accident. Fortunately, a well-versed lawyer in Waynesboro could help ensure the statute is complied with in your slip and fall case.
A person injured in a fall could be entitled to an array of financial compensation. Different factors will determine what a case might be worth, including the severity of your injuries or the extent of your physical pain. However, some of the most common types of financial recovery include:
It may not always be clear what your case could be worth, but the guidance of a local lawyer can help you identify the potential compensation you might recover.
Falls can do far more than bruise your ego. For many people, a slip and fall can lead to life-altering injuries. These injuries can run up medical bills, make it difficult to return to work, and hamper your ability to enjoy life.
If you suffered injuries in a fall, do not pursue your case on your own. Call a Waynesboro slip and fall lawyer at The Warren Firm today to schedule a private consultation.